The Stone Bird

The Stone Bird is a collection of short stories originally written in North Saami and which consists of 10 short stories based on both historical and present day events. The themes dealt with in this collection range from grief, love, death and birth, to abuse, growing up in a children’s home and returning to saamiland as an adult.

Risten Sokki

Risten Sokki
Risten Sokki

Risten Sokki was born in Guovdageaidnu, Norway, in 1954. Sokki has written a collection of poetry, a children’s book, a book on Saami cooking and food customs as well as a book about the body for nursery- school children. In 1997, she was the Saami candidate for the Nordic Council’s Literature prize with her book of collected poems, “I Twist and Twine the reads of my Bloodline”.

Other titles

Mu ártegis eallin (2011)
Searaid fearánat (2022)

Foreign rights

Davvi Girji
E-mail: [email protected]

Edited March 08, 2023 by Davvi Girji