Nine-year-old Eivind is kidnapped by a woman in the middle of Sandefjord city center, the same day that 17-year-old Tobias disappears during a bike ride in Kodal. Police chief Håkon Haakonsen initially focuses on Eivind’s disappearance. Who would kidnap a nine-year-old boy? As he begins to suspect that the kidnapper is the boy's half-sister, Mari, who disappeared many years ago, things become even more perplexing. Why has she returned and taken her little brother with her? When Tobias's bicycle is found, Håkon realizes that Tobias did not disappear voluntarily either. Something has happened to him, but there are no clues. Amid the chaos, Håkon also gets a murder case. Are the three cases connected?
This is the final book in the Kodal trilogy, the start of the Håkon Haakonsen-serie. . Each book can be read as a standalone, but we meet the same people in different roles throughout the series. In this last book, the threads lead back to Mari, who disappeared in Lille Linerle (Little Wagtail).