The story takes place in a world beyond time and place, a world full of mystery and sorcery. Mango is the wizard's apprentice, young but talented, and more fascinated by dragons than the average inhabitant in the little village of Vanatu. His best friend is the young dragon Rosa, followed by the pterocrapyls David and Batseba, funny but deadly.
In a showdown between good and evil, between the dragon people and the peoples of the Mountain, perhaps nothing is what it seems, and what really happened to Mango's teacher, the wizard Ator?
The heroes don't get many breaks in this tale. In the book, you'll meet dragons full of courage, deadly flames and personality and rudeness. In the story you will read about weirder creatures than dragons, more hungry and deadly too, both with and without legs and wings - most of them you will not want to meet.
This book was first published I 2000 with another title: “The dragon who loved me”. It was approved by the Norwegian art council and got good reviews.
Age: children, young adult and adults.
Other titles
Dragen som elsket meg
Foreign rights
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