Dunce - Lye and cold water

DUNCE is an kind of autobiographic strip about coping with life above the arctic circle. The main character Jens K clings to his every day life in the far north of Norway. He’s running a tiny web company together with his buddy Børge (that fish). Jens is also a divorced father, his son is Gustav.

DUNCE won the strip competition in one of Norway’s biggest newspapers, Dagbladet, and is running daily in several Norwegian papers. The strip also has a regular eight pages in the monthly comic magazines ”Lunch” and ”Radio Gaga”.
Summer 2017 the strip won the Norwegian Pondusprize ($12.000). It’s published in these Norwegian newspapers: Klassekampen, Bergens Tidende, Adresseavisa, Fædrelandsvennen, Aftenbladet, Avisa Nordland, Nordlys, iTromsø, Haugesunds Avis, Strilen and Framtida Junior.

The publisher Egmont has released three book collections (in Norwegian). In January 2020, the Norwegian comic journal Serienett listed Dunce as ”best Norwegian comic of the decade”. In 2018 and 2019 the strip got nominated for Sproingprisen (the Norwegian comics ”Oscar”) in the category Best Norwegian Comic. Dunce won the Sproing-prize in 2020.

«This comic is an enrichment! Funny,

Comicreview.de (German podcast)

Jens K. Styve

Jens K. Styve

Jens K Styve (born 1972) lives with his wife, dog and three kids in Tromsø, Norway. He’s a writer (of two novels), comic artist and illustrator.

He worked 12 years as partner and designer in a design agency, but since October 2017 he’s been a comic artist full time.

Follow Jens K. Styve on Instagram

Rights sold to

Spanish-speaking part of the world

Foreign rights

Tonje Tornes
Egmont Kids Media
Mob: 47-92869374
Mail: [email protected]


The Sproing-prize
The Pondusprize 2017
Winner of Dagbladets comicstrip-competition in 2017

Edited January 22, 2025 by Egmont Kids Media - Norway