Imagine if you could journey into your dad’s head. Imagine if you could see what he was like before you were born. Imagine if you could understand why he’s so sad and sullen these days. This is precisely the journey that siblings Liam and Cornelia take when they suddenly wake up inside their dad’s brain. But why are there so many different dads in there? And how are they supposed to get back out?

Mari Moen Holsve, Karoline Grønvik (ill.)

Mari Moen Holsve, Karoline Grønvik (ill.)
Thea Irmelin Halvorsen

This graphic novel is written by award-winning author Mari Moen Holsve and beautifully illustrated by debutant Karoline Grønvik.

Foreign rights

Tonje Tornes
Children's books and Comics Editor
Egmont Kids Media Nordic AS
PO Box 4684 Nydalen
0405 Oslo, Norway
[email protected]

Edited March 31, 2024 by Egmont Kids Media - Norway