Jorid's matching sets
45 unique patterns for children age 0-8 years

Knit beautiful matching pieces for your children in lovely colours and patterns!

This is Jorid Linviks third book about knitting, where she shares 45 wonderful new patterns. Who doesn’t know a child that is mesmerized by tractors, ponies, cats or hearts? And when a child devotes all its attention to one particular thing it usually can’t get enough of it. Several people have requested sets of clothing with matching patterns for kids, and Jorid rose to the challenge beautifully. In this book you can find lovely and creative patterns for hats, mittens and socks, all featuring the same motives. Some of them you might recognise as patterns for grown ups published in earlier books, while others are brand new. The patterns are suitable for children up to eight years of age.

Jorid Linvik

Jorid Linvik

Jorid Linvik is a successful author, blogger and speaker. She has over 27 000 devoted followers on Facebook from all over the world. She designs all her patterns herself by hand. Her two previous books, Den store votteboka (Big Book of Mittens)and Den store sokkeboka (Big Book of Knittet Socks), were huge successes, with more than 42 000 sold copies. Jorid lives in Bodø.

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Trafalgar Square Books

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Elen Zickfeldt, publisher, [email protected]
Mob. +47 476 02 909

Finn Jørgen Solberg, head of sales
[email protected]
Mob. +47 900 61 894

Edited October 14, 2019 by Vega Forlag