Jorid's christmas knits
Lovely Christmas projects

Knit all the presents and christmas decorations yourself! Over 70 beautiful ideas that will make Christmas really shine. From small to bigger projects for young and for old, including hats, mittens, sweaters, dolls, ornaments and even an advent calendar.

Jorid Linvik

Jorid Linvik

Jorid Linvik is a successful author, blogger and speaker. She has 30 000 devoted followers on Facebook from all over the world. She designs all her patterns herself by hand. Jorid lives in Bodø.

Rights sold to

Sitruuna Kustannus Oy


Trafalgar Square Books

Foreign rights

Elen Zickfeldt, publisher, [email protected]
Mob. +47 476 02 909

Finn Jørgen Solberg, head of sales
[email protected]
Mob. +47 900 61 894

Edited October 14, 2019 by Vega Forlag