Hour of the Wolf

HOUR OF THE WOLF is the first book in a new crime series from Haugesund, with police superintendent Gabriel Fjell and serious crime investigator Aida Ibrahim in the lead roles.

A fourteen-year-old girl is found hanging in the woods. It soon becomes clear that she has been taking part in an online game spreading among the city’s youth – a game in which the final challenge is to take your own life.

As an untested lead investigator, superintendent Gabriel Fjell faces a terrifying scenario: He has to find whoever is behind the game and, more importantly, prevent more young people from taking their own lives. But when there’s no perpetrator, how can he stop them?

And how can he stop the young when they are intent on hurting themselves?

Despite my high expectations of Geir Tangen’s new crime novel, I found myself blown away.

tinesundal.blogspot.com (6 out of 6 stars)

A cracking, well-written crime novel that proved one hell of a start to a new year of reading!

bjornebok.bloggnorge.com (6 out of 6 stars)

This book was so hard to put down, and I read it in record time. If you like quivering tension interspersed with some tough descriptions, you should definitely read this!

bokblogger.com (5 out of 6 stars)

The author writes with a steady pen. The story is easy to read, without too much ‘irrelevant chit-chat’. This is a new genre for Tangen, and I think he really hits the mark. An excellent book that I recommend without hesitation – but not for the faint of heart!


Tangen has chosen to explore an important subject in this thriller. A topic that remains taboo, despite the fact that waves of suicides sometimes take place at various places around the country.


Geir Tangen does a fine job of bringing to life the various environments through which – for better or worse – urban youths roam. The level of suspense is flawless, and suspense is the whole point of it. The book gives the impression of being impassioned and thoroughly researched. Recommended!


A dark crime novel bursting with sincerity. Masterfully assembled, with detailed depictions of different social circles.


Pitch-black crime. Hugely suspenseful!


In the first part of the book the descriptions of the struggling youths are so heart-breaking that it’s painful to read. Once the mood has been set and the characters have been presented, the tension is also built up and it turns both eerie and captivating all the way to the final page.

Stavanger Aftenblad

A crime novel that stands out among this year’s releases. There are no neat solutions or glib psychology clichés here. The themes are portrayed with the seriousness they deserve. Tangen manages to navigate through this landscape toward a satisfying finale, and with literary quality out on top.

Sven Petter Næss – Riverton Prize winner 2021

Geir Tangen

Geir Tangen
Haakon Nordvik

Geir Tangen (b. 1970) is from Øystese in Hardanger but has lived in Haugesund since 1996.

He is trained as a general education teacher and has also worked as a freelance journalist for radio, TV, and newspapers since 1990, and writes short stories in addition to his crime novels.

He self-published his first crime novel, Maestro, in January 2016 and it was an immediate success. The book was nominated for the Maurits Hansen “New Blood” Prize in 2017 and for two crime prizes in the Netherlands the following year. Heartbreaker was published in 2017, and the final book in the series, Dead Man’s Tango, was published in 2018. The trilogy about Viljar Ravn Gudmundsson and Lotte Skeisvoll has been translated into several languages.

In the summer of 2019, he started work on a brand new crime series. The first book, Hour of the Wolf, was published in 2021.

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
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NO-0130 Oslo
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Edited May 25, 2021 by Gyldendal Agency