The Hurricane

Summer is over and Krako the sea monster is still being held captive by the boss of the aquarium…but when the aquarium is forced to close due to a hurricane warning, Ophelia and Bernard spot their chance to break in. They are going to rescue Krako and reunite her with Little Krako, who is still out there swimming in the open.

But even though they get help from Synne and Philip, it doesn’t quite go according to plan – there are powerful people willing to go a long way to keep Krako under lock and keAs a new sea monster heads for Salt Cove, things are not going to get any easier.

The Hurricane is the second book in the Crypto series. The book is written and illustrated by Hans Jørgen Sandnes, who was also behind the illustrations for the popular Detective Agency No. 2 books.

Hans Jørgen Sandnes

Hans Jørgen Sandnes
Atle Holtan

Hans Jørgen Sandnes (born 1979) is a Norwegian illustrator and animator.

He won the Amandus Award at the age of 16 at the National Youth Festival for the Under-20s. He has made several animated films based on the children's songs by Alf Prøysen, all of which have been shown regularly by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. He has also worked with illustration and animation in a number of other projects focusing on the promotion of culture to children.

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NO-0130 Oslo
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Edited November 19, 2020 by Gyldendal Agency