The Kindergarten Age

Parental Magic #3

The Kindergarten Age is the one book you will need if you have children between 2-6 years old.

In The Kindergarten Age, psychologist and family therapist Hedvig Montgomery answers the questions every parent with a child of kindergarten age has: What is a good upbringing? How important is it for the child to make friends? Are sibling fights really that bad? And how are you going to face the “terrible twos,” the imaginary games, and all those new emotions that will become part of your everyday life?

A solid basic guide for kindergarten parents /…/ The language has a nice flow and structure to it.

Aftenposten, Norway

Hedvig Montgomery

Hedvig Montgomery
Janne Rugland

Hedvig Montgomery (b. 1968) is a psychologist and family therapist with more than two decades of experience in the field. Besides practising as a family therapist, Montgomery holds seminars at the Norwegian branch of Famlab, an international organisation that supports and educates parents and guardians. Parental Magic is the fruit of decades of research and practical experience, a small book jam-packed with wisdom and smart techniques. It’s a modern day child-rearing bible that will give guardians worldwide just the tools they need to guide their children – and themselves – to happiness.

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Edited September 18, 2019 by Salomonsson Agency