Why should the belly of women preferably be totally flat, when other body parts can be big and voluptuous? Why should the source of life itself, the home of the uterus and digestion, be invisible? When journalist and historian Hilde Østby turned 45, she understood that she had been hating her belly for exactly 30 years. This is where the hunt for the origin of the self-contempt started - in neurology, psychology, cultural history and in her own life. Can we find the answer to the riddle in our brain? In the clothing industry? In the Male gaze? On the cover of Fashion Magazines or in the social control between Women? Hilde Østby goes looking for solutions and find surprising answers to the riddle. This book is an anti-dieting book. It is a celebration of life and love, and through seven steps it may even help you to love your body more!
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