Mia Frogner
Green bonanza
Potato pizza, summer wraps and cauliflower ‘wings’’

This book is full of the real joy of pure food: good recipes, simple new uses for the best base ingredients, tips on making use of everything and developing helpful routines to waste less.

You will learn what you are eating and where it really comes from. The author offers you over 60 fine recipes for a selection of base ingredients, and seasons the book with her own sense of the pleasure of good food.

Mia Frogner

Mia Frogner

Mia Frogner (b. 1985) is qualified in literary studies and works as a contents adviser in the creative communications agency Trigger, recently selected as the world's best creative agency. She manages the blog Green Bonanza.

Rights sold to

Germany (Jan Thorbecke Verlag)

Other titles

Greener! (2018)

Foreign rights

Cappelen Damm Agency
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m: +4741410647

Edited August 27, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency