Think Simple
Get More Out of What Means the Most

Clear your head and live more! Would you like to think simple and be rid of the clutter in your head? Would you like to spend less time agonising over things and focus on what gives you energy and makes you feel positive? If so, Think Simple is the book for you.

In a world full of options and endless choices, we sometimes need a psychological toolkit to help us learn to prioritize and be present in our own lives. We need help to clear our heads. Psychologist Carina Poulsen challenges you to consider how you think about what really gives your life meaning, what you really value and how you make your choices.

This will make it easier for you to live a rich and meaningful life. She gives you simple tools that better equip you to organise your mental inbox, and good advice on how to simplify your lifestyle. If you simplify it, you'll simplify your way of thinking, remove mental noise and be able to focus better on what means the most to you.

Carina Poulsen

Carina Poulsen

Carina Poulsen trained as a clinical psychologist and is currently doing a 5 year course of further specialist training in clinical aspects of occupational psychology. Carina is particularly involved in minor psychological ailments, mindfulness and yoga, and in the relationship between physical training and psychological health.

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Cappelen Damm Agency
Contact: [email protected]
m: +4741410647

Edited September 16, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency