Men Who Hate Wolves

A woman dies after being attacked by a pack of wolves outside Elverum in Østerdalen. Those who oppose wolves finally have ammo: a human has been killed by wolves in Norway for the first time since 1799. Wolf researchers refuse to accept that this was the work of wolves, instead fighting a seemingly hopeless battle – all until careless yet enthusiastic hermit and wolf lover Rino Gulliksen takes matters into his own hands and gives the wolf haters a taste of their own medicine. Conflict-hating lawyer Leo Vangen gets wind of Rino Gulliksen’s plans and travels to Elverum to prevent a bloodbath, even as he fights his own demons and a misguided relationship with his daughter, Siri. With Men Who Hate Wolves, Lars Lenth has written another dark, funny and touching novel about nature, humans and human nature.

Funny, serious, colorful, satirical and hot news

Gudbrandsdalen Dagningen

Frantically funny writing, as crime novel it's a good, old fashioned page turner (...) The book made me laugh out loud many times.

Hamar Arbeiderblad

Rough dance with wolves




... a joy to read


Lars Lenth

Lars Lenth
Eiril Wiik

Lars Lenth (b. 1966) is Norway’s undisputed number one when it comes to fly fishing for trout. His literary debut came with the novel The same river in 2007, a fly fishing novel following a young man’s experiences through a season of fishing at the river Skrukkedalsrenna. The Norwegian Patient was his second novel, introducing the lawyer Leonard Vangen and the criminal Rino Gulliksen. two characters who readers have grown fond of.

Rights sold to

Blanvalet/Limes, Germany
Wydawnictwo Literackie, Poland

Other titles

The Vega Brothers (2015)
The Norwegian patient (2011)
The same river (2007)

Foreign rights

Stilton Literary Agency
Hans Petter Bakketeig
Tel: +47 47 67 47 59
[email protected]

Edited August 22, 2019 by Stilton Literary Agency