Espen Askeladd and the King of the South

Once upon a time... hey, wait a sec. It wasn’t all that long ago, actually. For two weeks ago last Thursday, Espen Askeladd stood in front of his tiresome brothers and said: ‘The longest holiday I’ve ever had lasted ten minutes and it rained. So now I’m off to the South to get myself a tan.’

And off he sets, with his three best friends. Together they try to find the King of the South, and take on the mysterious Tormod Roll!

Arne Svingen, Henry Bronken (ill.)

Arne Svingen, Henry Bronken (ill.)

Arne Svingen (b. 1967) is one of our foremost writers for children and young adults. His production spans from easy reads for children, to novels for children and young adults.

Henry Bronken is a Norwegian cartoonist. His first comic was published in the Norwegian anthology Forresten in 2001. Several comic books have since been published.

Other titles

In Mid-Air (2018)
The Revolver Kid 2 (2016)
Benny-Bob’s Banana Burger (2015)
Making a Run for it (2015)
Primitive Possums (2014)
The Revolver Kid (2014)
Fly Summer (2013)
The Ballad of A Broken Nose (2012)

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
P.O. Box 6860 St. Olavs plass
NO-0130 Oslo
Tel: +47 957 81 640
[email protected]

Edited April 02, 2019 by Gyldendal Agency