Benny-Bob's Banana Burgeer

A wild, hilarious new illustrated humour series from Arne Svingen and Flu Hartberg!

There are times Benny-Bob thinks it’s a bit stupid to be a teacher if you don’t like children. Especially when you’re made solely responsible for organising the school camp trip with the whole class.

But even if he doesn’t like children all that much, it can be quite smart to get to know them better. As adults, some of them can become dictators, billionaires or hairdressers, and suddenly they will remember the nice teacher who took them to a school camp. If Benny-Bob is to become rich or get a free haircut, that’s the way it’s got to happen.

Arne Svingen, Flu Hartberg (ill.)

Arne Svingen, Flu Hartberg (ill.)

Arne Svingen (b. 1967) is one of our foremost writers for children and young adults. His production spans from easy reads for children, to novels for children and young adults.

Flu Hartberg (b. 1979) is a cartoonist and illustrator. He is also a member of the creative community Dongery.

Rights sold to

Denmark, ABC Forlag

Other titles

In Mid-Air (2018)
The Revolver Kid 2 (2016)
Benny-Bob’s Banana Burger (2015)
Making a Run for it (2015)
Primitive Possums (2014)
The Revolver Kid (2014)
Fly Summer (2013)
The Ballad of A Broken Nose (2012)

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
P.O. Box 6860 St. Olavs plass
NO-0130 Oslo
Tel: +47 957 81 640
[email protected]

Edited April 02, 2019 by Gyldendal Agency