Marius Molaug
The World's Worst Headmaster

In order to earn the mark you must be able to swim 25 meters and dive down to the bottom of the pool. Oh, and you also have to save the headmaster, believe it or not. So, in addition to risking his own life, Ruben stands a fair chance of drowning his headmaster too. And although it doesn’t sound altogether bad to rid the world of the worst headmaster ever once and for all, it would be a lot better if Ruben himself didn’t have to die in the attempt. In order to avoid that, he and his best friend Kent have to devise a plan. How to get out of swimming day – or preferably make sure the whole event is cancelled?

Ruben and Kent make some hair-raising and wild attempts, but the clock is ticking, and swimming day is approaching swiftly!

Marius Molaug

Marius Molaug

Marius Molaug (b. 1976) works as editor of the Norwegian edition of Donald Duck. He is a member of the creative community Dongery.

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Edited October 03, 2017 by Gyldendal Agency