Bo Bear Does Some Baking

Bo bear and his best frien Bo are to bake saffron buns for the nursery School. Baking is great fun. The dough looks ready, but the adults are so slow. Fortunately Bo bear knows how to og about it.

Ida Jackson, Jens A. Larsen Aas (ill.)

Ida Jackson, Jens A. Larsen Aas (ill.)

Ida Jackson has published books for children, young adults and adults. She has been nominated for the Brage Prize, the Critics’ prize and the Book Blogger’s Award for her previous titles.

Jens A. Larsen Aas (f. 1993) er illustratør, og bor og jobber i Trondheim. Han er utdannet ved Academy of Art University i San Francisco og debuterte som barnebokillustratør i 2016.

Other titles

Bo Bear on a Trip
Goodnight, Bo Bear
Bo Bear Goes Shopping

Foreign rights

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Edited November 27, 2018 by Gyldendal Agency