The valley of tears

The priest family's youngest son disappears under mysterious circumstances in a small Norwegian village.
30 years later, a seminar is held for the Norwegian lock and safe industry, and Jørgen finds an unexpected entrance to the solution to what happened to his brother.
And for miserable souls, all roads lead to The valley of tears.

Jury statement, best comic book of the year, 2023: "… Hartberg exhibits masterful storytelling in The valley of tears, with a style conscious pen and a big heart. The story spans time and space in a genuinely gripping adventure tale that shows how one can try to escape oppression, be it in the form of alcohol or other worlds."

Please contact the publisher for a pdf of the entire book translated into English.

This book grabbed me ... I will read this book again. Pretty soon.

With his playful line and pointed pen, Flu Hartberg has created a distinctively dizzying reading experience with "The valley of tears", as consciousness-expanding in its own way as an entire evening on magic mushrooms.

Leif Bull, Dagens Næringsliv

Very well narrated and exciting - with humor and a dose of seriousness ... time travels, involving underground, digging creatures, who control and contribute to travelling between two realities ... a searching, absurdly witty and satirical approach to the story that fits the material really well

well-composed and super-tight multidimensional universe that spans time and space … packed with mysterious clues… entertaining story ... poetic and philosophical layers. Painful connections drawn betw elements in the story, and Jørgen's trauma, breakdown and subsequent purification are moving.

Flu Hartberg

Flu Hartberg (b. 1979) has published several comic books at NCP. He has also published children's books, and is a significant newspaper-cartoonist.

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[email protected]
Cis-Doris Andreassen


Årets tegneserie/The best comic book of the year

Edited November 06, 2024 by No Comprendo Press