On one condition

"If I tell the truth then everything is gonna be alright. That’s the condition, right?

Tell us about what happened at the party yesterday,” the investigator says, and I breathe in, not knowing where to begin, thinking about my mum, then I finally open my mouth to explain."

Yousef’s life is centred around rules – at home, at school, and among his group of friends. But he’s a constant let-down to his mum, the child protection service has already got a foot in the door, and among his mates, Yousef is well on his way to becoming an outsider.

But Yousef believes he can fix all this. Until a party in Stovner changes everything.

Neda Alaei

Neda Alaei
Julie Pike

Neda Alaei (born 1991) grew up in Moss and lives in Oslo. She graduated in Writing Studies from the Norwegian Institute of Children’s Books in 2017. She is a trained child welfare officer and her day job is as a milieu therapist working with young people.

This isn’t us (2019) was her first novel, for which she received the Ministry of Culture’s Debutant Award, the Book Blogger Award and the U Prize.

Other titles

Catching Air, 2021
This isn’t us, 2019

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
[email protected]
+47 957 81 640

Edited September 27, 2023 by Gyldendal Agency