Sidequest - Like & share
Book 2

For every hero there were thousands of losers .... sorry, dreamers who never made the cut. These are their stories.

"SideQuest" is the humorous fantasy series that takes a peek behind the scenes and introduces us to the flip side of the heroic adventures. Written by David Skaufjord and illustrated by Trine Lise Normann.

The storyline: In her adult years, Vigdus has quit her secure government job to pursue a career as an adventurer. As companions, she has acquired a pacifist bard, an asthmatic warrior, and an alcoholic alchemist, all of whom realize that the life of an adventurer seems much easier in literature.

When a new self-promotion trend called "social mediating" suddenly becomes a hype in their small town, the group sees an opportunity to achieve celebrity status without having to carry out actual heroic deeds. But a shadow loom behind the scenes, waiting to take over as the entire town is paralyzed by the pursuit of status...

The SideQuest-series is a reflection of our own times, set in a medieval fantasy setting. Every book is a new, stand-alone adventure that didn’t quite go as planned or qualify for the books og legend.

The SideQuest-series is a reflection of our own times, set in a medieval fantasy setting.

David Skaufjord

David Skaufjord, Trine Lise Normann (ill.)

David Skaufjord (1980) is a Norwegian director, screenwriter, writer and cartoonist from Fevik, Norway.

Other titles

Sidequest book 1

Foreign rights

Egmont Kids Media Nordic AS
PO Box 4684 Nydalen
0405 Oslo, Norway
[email protected]

Edited June 19, 2023 by Egmont Kids Media - Norway