Lush, charming picture book story!
Mieko loves to dance! Especially when she can wear shorts and a T-shirt instead of those stupid tights and that uncomfortable leotard. Mieko has never spun so fast or jumped so high before! And now Sofia with the smile has started dancing too – that smile that makes her melt inside, that makes it even nicer to be there.
But why has Mieko been put in the jump group? They’re all boys!
Mariko Miyata-Jancey, Marianne Gretteberg (ill.)
Mariko Miyata-Jancey (b. 1989) is a dancer and choreographer, and has extensive experience with teaching and performances aimed at children and young people, as well as being very familiar with the target group as an educator. Miyata-Jancey is currently taking a master’s in children’s and youth literary writing and communication at the Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books. Mieko Dances is her first book.
Marianne Gretteberg (also known as ‘Skinkeape’) is a writer, illustrator and chef. In recent years she has caught the attention of critics and prize juries.