Leo is a Weasel

Imagine if Leo were a weasel! Then he would almost be invisible in the snow. And even though the slope looks very scary, maybe the weasel dares to sledge straight down it?

“Inspirational role play… Successful interplay between text and illustrations.”
Katrine Kalleklev, barnebokkritikk.no, about Leo is a Dog and Leo is an Elephant.

Arne Svingen

Arne Svingen
Marlene Miller Svingen

Arne Svingen (b. 1967) is one of our foremost writers for children and young adults. His production spans from easy reads for children, to novels for children and young adults.

He is deeply committed to encouraging children and adolescents to read, and he is a true wizard at using humor and suspense to ensnare his readers. Thematically, his books span from pure entertainment to novels on difficult topics. He has written several novels for adults, radio plays for NRK and graphic novels. A number of Arne Svingens's books have been sold abroad, and he has been translated into fourteen languages. His breakthrough as a writer of thrillers came with Silent Screams (2001). He was awarded the Brage Prize for his novel Black Ivory in 2005 and was nomiated for the Brage Prize for his novel A Sky Full of Clouds in 2018.

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Edited January 31, 2022 by Gyldendal Agency