Kind of Green
Delicious recipes for a sustainable lifestyle

«No, you don’t have to become a vegetarian!»
Focus on the vegetarian diet has never been greater than it is today. Whether the issue is animal welfare, environmentalism, or personal health and wellbeing, there can be no doubt that green is great. And that vegetarians can expect many advantages. But isn’t it a terribly demanding process to change one’s entire diet? Well, that’s the whole point of Kind of Green. It needn’t be that difficult or time-consuming, nor demand much culinary insight. The recipes in this book are quick, delicious and healthy, designed for everyday use. Plus, some extra tasty recipes for those special
occasions. And some practical dishes for the freezer. These recipes are guaranteed to inspire you towards greater variation in your diet, and to open up to options that are good for both you and our planet.
Not only do you get 132 greatly varied vegetarian recipes; you also get multiple little stories and anecdotes, you take part in funny episodes at restaurants, and you hear travel stories from all over the world. “Kind of Green” is written by a Norwegian, for Norwegians, and the ingredients in the recipes will be available at any general food shop.
The title of the book refers to Miles Davis’ evergreen jazz album “Kind of Blue”, on which he continued his search for creative and new musical solutions. Maybe it’s time to make a similar effort in your diet too?

Bjørn Olav Nordahl

Bjørn Olav Nordahl

Bjørn Olav Nordahl (born in 1963) is well-known in Norway as a prize-winning investigative journalist and author of many books. In addition to his job with the investigative documentary programme “Brennpunkt” on Norwegian national television (NRK), he acts as head chef at both large and small events, with a menu consisting exclusively of vegetarian food.
“Kind of Green” serves up the culinary secrets of the man who claims: “No, you don’t have to become a vegetarian, but you would probably benefit from trying something new, and a shade greener, a couple of times a week.”

Foreign rights

Terje Wollan Dahl, [email protected],
+47-32 16 15 50

Edited October 04, 2017 by Norsk Bokforlag