Written in Blood

The inhabitants in Fjellberghavn are in chock. The city's popular dentist has been gunned down and killed on his way to work. Just hours later, the police headquarter is set on fire, and a man perishes in the flames.
Sheriff Ole Vik realizes that both the dentist and several others have received threatening letters from an anonymous person. Amid all the chaos, a bomb threat is presented for the police: A box of dynamite is placed somewhere in the centre of Fjellberghavn, ready to blow up. The deadline is short, the exact location unknown. Ole Vik starts his no time to lose to find the unknown perpetrator.

Written in Blood is the Fourth book about Ole Vik

Well-written, exciting, fast-paced...
Jørgen Jæger’s name is now “Written in Blood” in Norwegian crime fiction.

Haugesunds Avis

Jørgen Jæger hits the target for the fourth time.


Impressive pace in action-packed crime fiction.

Bergens Tidende

Excellent crime – a good intrigue, nice personal depictions and high readability.


Well-functioning, classic crime fiction.


Jørgen Jæger

Jørgen Jæger
John Andresen

Jørgen Jæger sold one book every forth minute last year,
making him one of Norway's most sold crime authors. His
books are sold to several countries: Sweden, Denmark,
Poland, Russia, Finland and Spain. He has also been
nominated to the prestigious Norwegian Bookseller award
four times.

Rights sold to


Other titles

Heartless (2020)
The Judas Fix (2019)
The Almighty (2017)
The Concealment (2016)
Monster (2015)
The Knight Cross (2014)
The Voice (2012)
Karma (2010)
Written in Blood (2007)
The Symphony of Death (2005)
The Chameleons (2004)
Chasing Shadows (2003)

Foreign rights

Northern Stories
Astrid Dalaker
[email protected]
Phone: +47 99 69 19 50

Edited May 03, 2021 by Northern Stories