Places to Piddle
A book for we who pee

“I pee!
But do birds pee in the sky?
Do they wee-wee even when we can’t see?
What about spiders? And flies?
Or bats and ghosts?
Do they also need to stop and take a leak?
One time I drank a lot of fizzy pop.
It went straight through me.
Pop in, pee out.
It was like magic.”

One of Norway's leading picture-book artists has done it again: got down to knee height to put a human phenomenon under the microscope – a phenomenon that usually fascinates children more than it does adults. In this book, peeing is both magical and mysterious, ordinary and everyday. A beautiful book, rich in detail, to inspire conversation and wonderment in philosophers big and small alike.

'“Strange and wonderful book (...) opens up for philosophising about all things great and small. (...) Nyhus’s picture books are magical portals. They play a part in enriching Norwegian children’s literature.'

'Twinkling tinkling. (...) about the joy of mastering and the freedom of learning to pee on your own.(...) every page sprinkled with gold.'

Svein Nyhus

Svein Nyhus

Svein Nyhus (b. 1962) is one of Norway’s most celebrated authors and illustrators of children's books. He has won several awards, among them The Ministry of Culture's Prize three times.

Other titles

Selected own books:
Skal vi leke?, 2016
Lars er Lars, 2011
Sånt som er, 2010
Opp og ut, 2008
Jeg!, 2004
Ingen, 2002
Lille Lu og trollmannen Bulibar, 2001
Verden har ingen hjørner, 1999
Pappa!, 1998

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
P.O. Box 6860 St. Olavs plass
NO-0130 Oslo
[email protected]

Edited March 17, 2021 by Gyldendal Agency