A next to truthful account about the Sámi's history. The history of the Sámi is a colourful tale. Previously, strangers have written about the Sámi. Now the Sámi themselves write about their country and their history. This book is a contribution in the category of satirical history. Warning: it is an "almost truthful account” about the Sámi history.
Other titles
Bibliography with ČálliidLágádus:
Det er gøy å være same (2010)
Same Shit (2011)
Mens vi venter på solen (2012)
Det var en gang en same (2015)
Foreign rights
ČálliidLágádus AS
Fitnodatgeaidnu 13
Postboks 140
N-9730 Kárášjohka
997 009 460 MVA
+47 78 46 83 30
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