Greener !
Make, eat and share vegan food from all over the world

Welcome to a whole world of delicious green food and wonderful green flavours! In her second book Mia Frogner shares over 80 simple and complex vegetarian/vegan recipes and assimilates them into entire meals inspired by and based on various food cultures.

The book is flexible – you can make all the small dishes and offer them as a complete meal or just make some of them for smaller dinners. And why not ask your guests to join in with the prep?

Mia Frogner

Mia Frogner

Mia Frogner is qualified in literary studies and works as a contents adviser in the creative communications agency Trigger, recently selected as the world's best creative agency. She manages the blog Green Bonanza.

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Other titles

Green Bonanza (2016)

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Cappelen Damm Agency
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m: +4741410647

Edited August 28, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency