Yarn Magic With Plant Dyes

Imagine knitting something using yarn you dyed yourself!

Experience the colours of nature, gather plants and mushrooms, and use them to dye yarn and textiles. In this book you will find everything you need to know about dying yarn, textiles and other natural materials using easy-to-find mushrooms and plants that grow wild across most of scandinavia.

Recreate the magical colours from nature in pots and pans at home!

The book is full of information on making dyes and inspiring pictures.

Hege Dagestad, Kari Hestnes

Hege Dagestad, Kari Hestnes

Kari Hestnes (b. 1959) is a co-owner of the company Du Store Alpakka, one of the largest importers of alpaca yarns in Norway. She regularly provides knitting patterns for magazines.

Other titles

Knitting Poetry (2017)
Knitting Peruvian Patterns (2015)

Foreign rights

Cappelen Damm Agency
Contact: [email protected]
m: +4741410647

Edited September 16, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency