Operation Hades

A thrilling and action packed crime! Operation Hades is the fourth book in the series about police detectives Axel. Th. Munthe and Tobben at the Oslo Policedepartment for special operations.

The family of undercover cop Axel Th. Munthe's colleague Tobben is attacked. Some young people from a new, militant animal rights organization are found brutally harmed. It turns out that we are facing an international criminal organization without any scruples, and whose brutal conduct will show that they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. If they succeed, the country will never be the same.

"It does not lack action nor violence, this novel, that is the duos best so far. The writers have done well through all their four books about Axel and Tobben. As a read it flows well and the book can be hard to put down. Especially since it is action packed from beginning to end."

Johnny Brenna, Sigbjørn Mostue

Sigbjørn Mostue (1969–) has a degree in the History of Ideas. He works full time as a writer, having issued several crime novels for adults together with Johnny Brenna. He has also written two fantasy trilogies for middle grade readers.

Johnny Brenna (1964–) has worked as a police officer for over 20 years. Besides writing and publishing several crime novels with Sigbjørn Mostue, he has written A Guide to Self-Defence (2012) (Håndbok for selvforsvar) .

Other titles

Operation Hydra

Foreign rights

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Edited February 08, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency