A.Y.W.D.N.E (Animals You Wish Did Not Exist)

There are certainly some secrets that should remain secret. Secrets that are so important, so terrible, and so incredibly creepy that they cannot continue being just that. Secrets, that is.

Animals You Wish Did Not Exist is a book full of such things. Specifically, secrets in the shape of animals you have never heard of before. Animals that the police and the authorities don’t want you to know about. Perhaps because they are worried you will panic and sprain your ankle badly when you run away screaming. But they are out there. At this very moment a huge Mongolian water vole could be waiting for its next victim in an alley in Oslo. Or a Nepali dog bird could be licking the face off a poor old mountain climber in the Himalayas. And who knows, perhaps a horn-nosed frog is sucking the eyeballs out of a Venezuelan fisherman at this very moment.

The truth must be told. That’s why Jo Nesbø decided to gather some of the animals that you really wish didn't exist in this book.

Besides the entertainment value of the strange animals themselves, they explain some things one might wonder about. For example, why are grandpa's toenails yellow? It's of course because he was bitten by a Yellow Nail Salmon /…/ [“A.Y.W.D.N.E.”] is one of those books you’re glad exists.

Weeekendavisen, Denmark

Jo Nesbø

Jo Nesbø
Thron Ullberg

Jo Nesbø (b. 1960) is a musician, songwriter, and economist, as well as one of the leading crime writers in the world. He is recognized for having widened the scope of the thriller with his unusual literary qualities and ambitions, his psychological insights and his in-depth knowledge of life in a modern, globalized world. His books have garnered countless international awards, sold 36 million copies, and been translated into 50 languages. In addition to the Harry Hole series he is the author of stand-alone novels Headhunters, The Son, Blood on Snow and Midnight Sun, as well as several children’s books in the Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder series.

Rights sold to

Czech Republic, Zlin
Denmark, Alvilda
Finland, WSOY
Germany, Arena
Hungary, Kolibri
Norway, Aschehoug
Russia, Azbooka-Atticus
Slovakia, Iron Libri
Sweden, Bonnier Carlsen

Other titles

The Thirst
The Leopard
The Snowman
The Redeemer
The Devil’s Star
The Redbreast
The Cockroaches
The Bat
Blood on Snow
Midnight Sun
The Son
Can Doctor Proctor Save Christmas?
Doctor Proctor and the Great Gold Robbery
Doctor Proctor and the End of the World. Maybe
Doctor Proctor and the Time-Travel Bath Bomb
Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder

Foreign rights

Salomonsson Agency
Götgatan 27, 116 21 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
+46 8 22 32 11


Nordic Noir Thriller of the Year Award, Sweden, 2017
Shortlisted for the Book of the Year Award, Sweden, 2017
Shortlisted for The European Crime Fiction Star Award, Germany, 2016
The Riverton Honor Prize, Norway, 2016
The IcePick Award (Best Translated Crime Novel), Iceland, 2015
Boréales Honorary Award (for his entire literary work), France, 2017
Shortlisted for the Ark’s Book of the Year Award, Norway, 2015
Shortlisted for LovelyBooks’ Der Leserpreis (Best Crime & Thriller of 2015), Germany, 2017
Shortlisted for the Brage Prize (Best Crime Novel), Norway, 2017
St. Petersburg Reads Award (Best International Author of the Year), Russia, 2014
Shortlisted for The IcePick Award (Best Translated Crime Novel of the Year), Iceland, 2014
Martinus Readers’ Choice Award (Best Foreign Author of the Year), Slovakia, 2014
Martinus Readers’ Choice Award (Best Novel of the Year), Slovakia, 2014
The Peer Gynt Prize (for his international success and for putting Norway on the map of international literature), Norway, 2013
Shortlisted for the Specsavers Crime Thriller Awards (The Bestseller Dagger), UK, 2012
Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger (Best Translated Crime Novel of the Year), UK, 2012
Shortlisted for the Edgar Award (Best Novel of the Year), US, 2010
Shortlisted for the Macavity Awards (Best Mystery Novel), US, 2010
The Great Caliber Award of Honour (for his entire authorship), Poland, 2010
The Danish Academy of Crime Writers’ Award (Best Crime Novel of the Year), Denmark, 2009
Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger, UK, 2009
The Norwegian Book Club Prize (Best Novel of the Year), Norway, 2008
Shortlisted for the Ark’s Children’s Book Award (Best Children’s Book), Norway, 2008
The Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize (Best Novel of the Year), Norway, 2007
The Norwegian Book Club Prize (Best Novel of the Year), Norway, 2007
Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger, UK, 2007
The Finnish Academy of Crime Writers’ Special Commendation (Excellence in Foreign Crime Writing), Finland, 2007
Shortlisted for the Ark’s Children’s Book Award (Best Children’s Book), Norway, 2007
Best Norwegian Crime Novel Ever Written (Awarded by the Norwegian Book Clubs), Norway, 2004
William Nygaard Bursary, Norway, 2002
The Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize (Best Novel of the Year), Norway, 2000
The Glass Key (Best Nordic Crime Novel of the Year), The Nordic Countries, 1998
The Riverton Prize (Best Norwegian Crime Novel of the Year), Norway, 1997

Edited October 06, 2017 by Salomonsson Agency