Learn to reconise our most common birds!
Birds nest and live around us and you can see them amost wherever you go. You can get to know many of them in this book and perhaps you’ll realize that birds are not so different from us humans. If you want to get to know birds there are many things you can do. Come and join us in the birds’ world!
Martin Eggen, Mari Klaussen, Sine Hagestad (ill.)
Even as a boy Martin Eggen (b. 1977) loved watching birds and he has continued doing so ever since. He works at BirdLife Norway as a nature conservation advisor and has written the well acclaimed book Life without birds (2023).
Mari D. Klaussen (b. 1998). has a degree in biology and has studied the species er utdannet biolog, og har studert a species of birds that live on the Norwegian coast. She works at BirdLife Norway with communication about the Norwegian birds and the nature they live in.
Illustrator Sine Hagestad (b. 1998)