It’s birthday time at the kindergarten! But where is
It’s Leon and Live’s birthday! They are so looking forward
to the celebration at the kindergarten, but when they arrive
there’s nobody there. What happened? Where is everyone?
This is a case for Crow’s Nest Kindergarten’s very own
Lars Mæhle, Odd Henning Skyllingstad (ill.)
Lars Mæhle (b. 1971) has written more than 40 books for
children and young adults since his debut in 2002. His big
breakthrough came in 2009 with the fantasy novel The
Country Beneath the Ice, winning the Uprisen, the Fable Award
and the Norwegian Ministry of Culture’s literature award.
Odd Henning Skyllingstad (b. 1978) is a cartoonist and
illustrator. He is educated in animation at the Volda University
College, and won the Sproing Award for the short film Børre
er død (Børre is dead)