The Darkness Comes From Within

War. Evil. Fear. And an inner strength they did not know about.

Linnea and Max meet against all odds. They are both fleeing from their hometowns. Bandits have taken over. Nothing is as it used to be. The electricity is gone. There is no food. People are being evacuated.

When everyone they have believe in turn against them, they will have to find the strength they need in each other

Winner of the Critic’s Prize for Best Children’s and YA book 2016

Tyra Teodora Tronstad

Tyra Teodora Tronstad

Tyra Teodora Tronstad (b. 1972) is a highly acclaimed author. Her YA novel The Darkness Comes From Within won The Critic's Prize 2016. She was also nominated to The Critic's Prize 2012 for her YA novel Animal Thoughts.

Other titles

Det blir pinlig uansett (It’ll be Embarassing No Matter What), 2013
Hundetanker (Animal Thoughts), 2012
Hvis det er flere som juger nå (If Anyone Else is Lying Now), 2011
Mandag morgen står de døde i kø (On Monday Morning the Dead are Lined Up), 2007

Foreign rights

Oslo Literary Agency
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NO-0102 Oslo
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Edited September 26, 2017 by Oslo Literary Agency