Marit Kirsten Anti Gaup
A Knock at the Door

Sárá, Sunná, Ovllá og Jánoš are sleeping when they’re woken by a sudden knock at the door. It turns out it’s a policeman who asks if someone can go down and check if there’s a stranger in their basement. Sunná and Janoš agree to go down to the basement together and Sunná takes a wooden bat with her – but there’s no one there.

Marit Kirsten Anti Gaup

Marit Kirsten Anti Gaup
Davvi Girji, Michal Aase

Author Marit Kirsten Anti Gaup wrote this illustrated children’s book that describes what it’s like to feel anxious or afraid. There are parallel tales interwoven throughout that all come together at the end. Sunna Kitti illustrated the book, which was published in 2021 and is suitable for children ages 7-9.

Rights sold to

Hindi language, worldwide – (Rajmangal Prakashan Building)

Other titles

Firkkaláhkku (2016)

Foreign rights

Davvi Girji
E-mail: [email protected]

Edited September 16, 2024 by Davvi Girji