Bizi, The Little Reindeer Calf
The Flying Pilot

The reindeer calf Little Bizi is wandering around on his own after having been abandoned by his mother. He encounters some unusual things in his meetings with a wild reindeer, a reindeer bull, an elk, a movie star reindeer, a tourist reindeer, and a golden reindeer cow. After meeting the tourist reindeer, Silggon, Bizi plans to try to find his way back to his mother – but he gets lost along the way.

Marry Ailonieida Somby

Marry Ailonieida Somby
Davvi Girji

Marry Ailonieida Somby (b. 1953) was born in Tana and grew up in Sirbmá. She is a well-known Sámi writer and cultural worker and now lives in Tromsø. She has a diverse educational background that includes Sámi history and culture from the University of Oslo and the University of Tromsø, film and theater from the Norwegian Film Institute, the art school in Karasjok, and writing at the University of Tromsø.

Other titles

Arvedávgeriikii (2022)

Foreign rights

Davvi Girji
E-mail: [email protected]

Edited March 15, 2022 by Davvi Girji