be satisfied with life

These are poems that are related to nature, and that often refer to specific places by name – in the present, past and future. A particular place might be important on one occasion, for a certain length of time, while other places have a more permanent significance. This reflects the circle of life. The poet quietly describes sources of joy and gratitude, but also their opposite: she is aware that a joyful light can be extinguished, and knows why it happens.

Sollaug Sárgon

Sollaug Sárgon

Sollaug Sárgon (b. 1965) debuted as a poet in 2010 with savvon bálgáid luottastit (walk along an overgrown path) which was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2013.

Other titles

savvon bálgáid luottastit, poetry, 2010
gå opp gjengrodd sti, poetry, 2013
ii čága čihkosii, poetry, 2017

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Nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2013

Edited September 20, 2019 by Iđut