The Smuggler’s Shack

CLUE #13

The CLUE gang takes it upon themselves to investigate the mysterious Smuggler’s Shack out on Pinetree Island. Packing all the necessary supplies, the group heads off. But the visit to the island ends in failure and they’re unable to enter the shack itself. Its doors and windows have all been nailed shut and secured with heavy chains and padlocks. As they later review Leo’s film recording from the trip however, the group discovers something they didn’t notice while on the island. Something strange is definitely going on in the Smuggler’s Shack – and it’s up to them to return and find out what it is.

The Smuggler’s Shack is a bonus volume in Norway’s most beloved crime fiction series for ages 9-12, CLUE. The story of Cecilia, Leo, Une and the dog Egon is concluded in this thirteenth and final book.

Jørn Lier Horst

Jørn Lier Horst
Anton Soggiu

Jørn Lier Horst (b. 1970) has with his award-winning novels about William Wisting joined the elite of Nordic crime fiction writers. Having worked as a head of investigations before becoming a full-time author, Horst brings a unique brand of suspense and realism to the table. Besides his novels for grown readers, Horst has gained recognition for his unparalleled ability to thrill also young readers with charming mysteries. His standing as the Norwegian king of crime fiction for all ages was cemented when he created the Detective Agency No. 2 and CLUE series, both the most popular children’s book series in their respective age categories.

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Edited September 13, 2019 by Salomonsson Agency