Purriot and the Headless Woman

The world's greatest vegetable-detective is back! Purriot the master detective cracks cases to the delight of the crime-story fans of all ages, and there are new mysteries constantly popping up. One spring evening, Purriot and Paprika are with Dr Daddlestad on bird-listening trip at the local lake. They hear a grasshopper chirping… and a party-bus full of teenagers… but suddenly they hear a couple of very different sounds – a terrible scream and a big splash. “We have to investigate! Don't you think, Purriot?” says Paprika. At the bottom of the lake, Purriot finds a body – with it's head missing! This could be the worst case Purriot has ever seen. But something doesn't add up…

Bjørn F. Rørvik, Ragnar Aalbu (ill.)

Bjørn F. Rørvik, Ragnar Aalbu (ill.)
Photo Credit: Maja Hattvang

Bjørn F. Rørvik (b. 1964). Since his first book in 1996, he has become one of the most successful and renowned childrens books authors in Norway. His book-series about The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Purriot and Fox & Piglet has sold in hundreds of thousands of books in Norway alone. His writing is full of crazy humour and original concoctions that make them great fun for readers of all ages. Bjørn knows quite a lot about birds and animals, and enjoy traveling around Norway reading from his books.

Other titles

The Billy Goats Gruff Return (2019)
Purriot and the Fake Santa (2018)
Purriot and the Invisible Man (2018)

Foreign rights

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Edited August 12, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency