Sherleek and the Ski Mystery

Did you think that the World Ski Championships were going to be held in Falun in 2015? WRONG! They're actually going to be held in Norway this year. But due to little snow in the capital, some of the events have been moved to Hurlumskogen, where white snow is just as certain as medals for the Norwegian athletes.

Sherleek isn't uninterested, but Pepper is very excited. She loves to cheer on the Norwegians in front of the telly. Best of all is Gunnar Firbranch-Heap, the superstar athlete who outshines all the other skiers. Russian Kukumberov and Swedish favourite Lars Birch might as well go home and relax – Norway are sure to win gold!

But then the unthinkable happens. Firbranch-Heap's skis are stolen during the first evening of the World Ski Championships. All of his skis! The case is clear: Sherleek needs to get out his magnifying glass and solve this big ski mystery, or there won't be any gold medals for Norway.

Bjørn F. Rørvik, Ragnar Aalbu (ill.)

Bjørn F. Rørvik, Ragnar Aalbu (ill.)
Photo: Observatoriet

Bjørn F. Rørvik (1964–). Since his first book in 1996, he has become one of the most successful and renowned childrens books authors in Norway. His book-series about The Three Billy Goats Gruff (ill. Gry Moursund), Purriot (ill. Ragnar Aalbu) and Fox & Piglet (ill. Per Dybvig) has sold in hundreds of thousands of books in Norway alone. His writing is full of crazy humour and original concoctions that make them great fun for readers of all ages.

Bjørn knows quite a lot about birds and animals, and enjoy traveling around Norway reading from his books.

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Edited March 11, 2025 by Cappelen Damm Agency