Hello Down There!

Hallo der nede! is modelled on the same principle as the other Hallo books by Anna Fiske. We follow six insects for sixteen months, and readers themselves can also find and see other things changing from one month to the next. A lot of exciting things happen underground. Caves, swimming pools and banqueting halls are built. The book starts in July and finishes in November of the following year. Hallo der nede! is a treasure chest for anyone who likes to search and find and to immerse themselves in lots of small funny details.

Other titles in the series are:
Hallo jorda! (2007)
Hallo Byen! (2009)
Hallo Planeten! (2010)
Hallo der nede! (2012)
Hallo Havet! (2014 - English sample translation available)
Hallo Skogen! (2017)

Anna Fiske

Anna Fiske
Photo: Maja Hattvang

Anna Fiske (1964–) studied graphic design and illustration at Konstfackskolan in Stockholm. Since 1992, she has worked as an illustrator of comic books and children's picture books.

Other titles

Hallo skogen!
Hemmelige hytter, 2015
Alle har en bakside, 2014
Hele dagen lang, 2013
Tøffe ting du kan lage selv, 2012
Her kommer jeg, 2011
Hæ?, 2010
Morsomme ting du kan lage selv, 2010
Hello Earth!, 2007

Foreign rights

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Edited September 16, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency