All Day Long

In All day long Anna is tired of her family. She decides to climb up the cherry tree and stay there all day long – her family will just have to do without her!

From her hiding place in the tree Anna can see everything that happens, but nobody can see Anna. After a long day she climbs down, but when she sits down at the dinner table she discovers that nobody has even noticed that she's been gone at all! 'What have you been up to today?' asks Mummy. 'Nothing special,' Anna replies.

‘This lingering, slightly philosophical and rather slow narrative is definitely not without humour and sarcasm. Nonetheless, the topic of a child’s need to be seen and accepted is fundamentally serious. ... As ever, the illustrations are organic, naïve. Fiske’s strange lines fuse text and images into one inseparable whole.’

‘Anna Fiske’s strength is the way she lets herself to play with her own fantasies – the oddities and absurdities – but not allowing is to interfere with accessibility. It makes for a good book, without being mainstream. And it is child-friendly.’

Anna Fiske

Anna Fiske
Photo: Maja Hattvang

Anna Fiske (1964–) studied graphic design and illustration at Konstfackskolan in Stockholm. Since 1992, she has worked as an illustrator of comic books and children's picture books.

Other titles

Hallo skogen!
Hemmelige hytter, 2015
Alle har en bakside, 2014
Tøffe ting du kan lage selv, 2012
Her kommer jeg, 2011
Hæ?, 2010
Morsomme ting du kan lage selv, 2010
Hello Earth!, 2007

Foreign rights

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Edited September 16, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency