Kim Jong-Un
A shadow portrait of a tyrant

On February 13, 2017, a man is killed, in full view, at Kuala Lumpur airport. When the deceased turns out to be Kim Jong-nam, all suspicion points to the man's half-brother, North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-un. In this book, Kim Jong-un, Sun Heidi Sæbø follows the trail from this spectacular murder, and ends up with a portrait of a dictator with his back against the wall, and a country with little left to lose.

Sun Heidi Sæbø

Sun Heidi Sæbø
Foto: Johanna Siring

Sun Heidi Sæbø (1980–) is a journalist and former Asia correspondent for Dagbladet.

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Edited September 24, 2019 by Cappelen Damm Agency