The Boy and the Glowing Tree

Tiles father is looking for treasure. One day a mysterious tree grows out of one of the holes he has been digging. The tree has purple nuts that can turn into anything you can imagine. All of a sudden anything is possible for Tile and his small family. But the animals are warning them. They think the tree should be cut down before it is to late.

The Boy and the Glowing Tree is eco literature - highly relevant and challenging!

Agnar Lirhus

Agnar Lirhus
Foto: Britt Myhrvold

Agnar Lirhus (b. 1978) is an author and teacher. He has received the Booksellers' Author's Stipend and been nominated for the P2-Listeners' Novel Prize for his books for adults. He writes for young adults and children as well as for an adult audience.

Other titles

Otherwise, I’’m not a Person
What did she say?

Foreign rights

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Edited February 09, 2018 by Cappelen Damm Agency