Line Renslebråten

Facts and legends about birds from around the world.

40 different species of birds from around the world are beautiful presented in this illustrated book for children.
The birds are presented with illustrations, facts about each species followed by either a legend or a fairytale. The book will teach young children about the different species of birds.
The lifelike drawings, factual texts, legends and fairytales will show the young readers how different people have viewed birds through centuries.

Line Renslebråten

Line Renslebråten

Line Renslebråten is an illustrator living in Asker, Norway with her husband and young daughter.
Under senga, published in 2014, was her first illustrated children’s book.
Fugler is her second illustrated book.

Other titles

Under Senga, 2014

Foreign rights

Anette Nicolaissen
Lorentz Fossumsveg 5
NO-1920 Sørumsand
Tel.: +47 466 94 281
[email protected]

Edited September 17, 2018 by A Nicolaissen Agency