The Black Signs

A gravel path stops at the doorstep of an extraordinary house. From cellar to attic the building is crammed with piles of what appear to be signs, memorial plaques dedicated to inconsequential, horrible or forgotten events – documentation of a hidden reality – a project no one has ever witnessed the likes of before. A solicitor who has been engaged to handle the estate comes across a protocol containing passionate letters to a dear friend. Stuck in between the letters he also finds remnants of a catalogue listing nigh on eight million items – relics and collectors’ objects from the history of modern art. Each item has been auctioned. The solicitor reads, and soon an incredible story starts to unfold.

‘A peculiar and engaging debut novel.’

‘...very clever and original, a readable feast.‘

‘Here is a debut unlike any other, and I find myself both impressed and asking: "is he playing with us?” [...] The Black Signs involves the reader and therefore doesn't offer any pat answers. It is deeply original and refreshing. [...] More, please!’

‘An unusually strong literary debut.’

‘A demonstration of power – storytelling and humor seamlessly interwoven.’

‘Lars Mørch Finborud keeps up the momentum with his use of baroque language, humor and horrific mysteries.’

Lars Mørch Finborud

Lars Mørch Finborud
Photo: Anniken C. Mohr

Lars Mørch Finborud holds a degree in art history and works as a curator and musical director at Henie Onstad Art Centre.
Finborud runs the record companies Plastic Strip Press and Prisma Records, and in recent years he has also written on a regular basis for the literary magazine Vinduet and Morgenbladet, a weekly newspaper. In addition, he hosts an NRK radio show.

Rights sold to

English (Broken Dimanche Press, Germany)

Foreign rights

Gyldendal Agency
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NO-0130 Oslo
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Edited December 18, 2017 by Gyldendal Agency