A Predictable Story

Via the diagrammatical – Per is convinced about this – the endless regularity of the world reveals itself, and if he can only maintain focus, and glimpse the transcendental loopholes of the moment and the bending potential of the regularity, both the possible and impossible necessities will become clear to him. If only other people understood this – dear Ada especially...

In a different everyday reality, Roy Bast returns as a police detective after a personal blow. He has no ambitions, no drive and no conceptions of anything except his own sad, slow progress towards death. Furthermore, the case he has been assigned to is hopeless – the disappearance of a young woman. Roy does a ’wait and see’, hopes that the disappearance case will disappear of its own accord while he potters around, ponders the nature of time, and Wonders if the future is nothing more than a state of conciousness.

Truls Hagbarth Grimstad

Truls Hagbarth Grimstad
Julie Pike

Truls Hagbarth Grimstad (f.1981) has a Master’s Degree in Architecture from AHO, and lives and works in Oslo. A predictable story is his first novel.

Foreign rights

[email protected]

Edited September 20, 2017 by Gyldendal Agency