
Edy, age 20: She marries a Frenchman and enters into a pact of mutual unfaithfulness. They travel to the south of France to live their artist dream. But then she becomes pregnant, and the idea of a child is impossible. The abortion becomes a part of their artist life.
Edy, age 30: She makes her literary debut and finds herself a 21-years-old lover. He wants to have a child, she hesitates. After a few years, the relationship breaks down and she is alone.
Edy, age 42: She has a small boy aged two and a girl growing in her belly. She is together with a German performance artist, and life is supposed to be an art piece, but this idea is threatened by trivialities.

Iggy is a novel of youthful courage and brittle illusions. About the fear of the conventional and the lust for exceedance. But also about the unsettling loneliness in the life of someone who never wants to commit.

We’ve no time to lose, we say to each other, time and time again, like a mantra. Choosing not to keep Iggy has made the mantra even more important. Not choosing Iggy means choosing art, doesn’t it?
  Marina Abramović has taken three abortions. She claims that having children makes women lag behind in the art world. That you have to be conscious of what you prioritize to spend your energy on. It won’t be on me now, I think, stroking my flat belly.

Edy Poppy

Edy Poppy
Julie-Christine Krøvel

Edy Poppy writes inquiringly and bravely about life as an artist, motherhood and unconventional ways of love, and is a unique voice in contemporary Norwegian literature.

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Edited March 12, 2024 by Gyldendal Agency