Look Your Last on All Things Lovely

There is an angel on the ground. She stands before me, gentle, transparent. It is her the light is coming from. At first I think she’s burning; the air around her is quivering, but there is the fluttering of a thousand wings, moths and other creatures, throwing themselves at her, flying back and throwing themselves at her again. She stands completely still and glows. She looks like everyone I’ve ever loved. Come, I think, come and free the fettered earth.

Marie seeks out a friend from her youth in England whom she has not seen for many years. Clara spends a day in Rome with a stranger. An unnamed woman awakens to a world that has changed.

The women in Look Your Last on All Things Lovely all encounter something unknown, a side of life that they have never seen before. These nine short stories deal with desire and loneliness, loss and forgiveness, but also the beauty that comes to light in glimpses, the sacred and the ordinary that manifests itself in life’s coincidences.

Kristin Vego

Kristin Vego
Erika Hebbert

Kristin Vego (born 1991) is from Aarhus, but currently lives in Oslo.

She is a critic in Dagbladet Information and editor of the magazine Vagant.

Look Your Last on All Things Lovely
is her first book

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Edited October 17, 2021 by Gyldendal Agency