Glimpses of Norway

This is the perfect book for anybody who loves Norway or who is interested
in visiting the country. The author leads the reader on an exciting
adventure with his enthusiastic texts and engaging photographs. This is
not your typical travel guide that points out the obvious tourist attractions;
rather, it is a collection of evocative descriptions of this long and narrow country, so far to the north.
This book is packed with information, both about smaller less famous
sites, and about the big national monuments like the Oslo Opera House
and the German wharf, “Bryggen”, in Bergen. The reader is invited
aboard a traditional wooden “snekke” on the sea outside Mandal, and
we visit the abandoned mining settlement “The Pyramid” on Spitzbergen.
The reader even has an encounter with a selection of the country’s
wild animals and birds.

Aleksander Myklebust

Aleksander Myklebust
Aleksander Myklebust

Aleksander Myklebust was born in Tromsø (1993), grew up in Lillehammer
(Olympic City of 1994), but lives in Oslo, the Capital of Norway. He is a photo journalist from Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Despite his young age, he has received a range of awards for his
photographs, amongst others in the most prestigious Wildlife photography competition in the world, The BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He
writes articles for a number of newspapers and magazines.

Foreign rights

Terje Wollan Dahl, [email protected],
+47-32 16 15 50

Edited September 06, 2017 by Norsk Bokforlag